
Saturday, March 8, 2008


The following proposals are put forward for experimentation by the Football Playing Rules Task Force. (The full text for each change is set out in Appendix 1).

1. Lift/Playing Ball on/off the Ground

Players are permitted to lift the ball off the ground,
scoop it up to a team-mate and/or play it on the ground when running or in a standing position

Players are permitted to play the ball away from the body when lying or sitting on the ground or on their knee(s). Players are not permitted to slide into the ball for the purposes of playing the ball away in this fashion or to score when playing the ball on the ground with the hand


. To ensure consistent application of the rules
. Reduce the number of technical offences
. Minimise the potential of players playing for frees
. Maximise the number of tactical options available to players and the potential for effective decision making

2. The Kick-Out

The Goalkeeper to use a plastic tee when taking a kick-out after the ball goes wide or after a score


. To eliminate the practice of players digging divots to create an
elevated platform when taking a kick out
. To minimise damage to playing surfaces
. To minimise the risk of injury

3. “Send Player to the Bench” (Sin Bin)

(a) Any Player who receives a yellow card to be “sent to the
bench” (sin binned) for 10 minutes of actual playing time

(b) A player to be issued with a yellow card for any of the
following fouls. (These are in addition to fouls for which a yellow card is already stipulated)

(i) To body check an opponent who is moving to take a return pass or to support the player in possession
(ii) To commit a professional foul i.e. foul an opponent who is in possession in order to prevent a score
(iii) Third man into a melee
(iv) Commit a non-cautionable foul on an opponent away
from the play
(v) Throw, kick, strike an object - including match ball – at an opponent

(c) The sideline official to use a stop watch to regulate the 10 minutes of actual playing time when a player is sent to the bench (sin binned)


. To ensure that the game is played in a fair manner and in a spirit of true sportsmanship
. To reward players who make the ball the focal point of their
. To ensure players take responsibility for their own behaviour
. To ensure that it does not pay to engage in foul play
. To ensure that foul play does not become institutionalised within the game. (The current system whereby
provision is made for 60 fouls - 30 ticks and 30 yellow card offences - in each game, and the fact that a player can receive one yellow card in every game with impunity, is creating problems in this regard)

. To maximise the amount of playing time
. To minimise the potential for gamesmanship i.e. the manipulation of the Playing Rules to gain an unfair competitive advantage e.g. time wasting

6. Rule 5

Sanctions to be imposed in accordance with the modifications to Rule 5 – see Appendix 1


. Defines aggressive fouls and categories of misbehaviour
. Ensures that sanctions are imposed in a manner that is more

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