
Saturday, March 8, 2008


For the purposes of experimentation, the following Rules will read as follows:

Rule 1.2 Playing Rules of Gaelic Football

(a) The ball may be lifted directly off the ground by hand or scooped up to a team mate provided the player playing the ball on the ground is running or in a standing position
(b) The ball may be played (dribbled/patted) on the ground by hand provided the player playing the ball is running or in a standing position
(c) A player when sitting or lying on the ground or when he is on his knee(s) may play the ball away from his body with the hand but shall not otherwise place a hand upon it or take it into his possession e.g. lift with the knees ( A player who plays the ball away from his body in this fashion shall not be permitted to slide into the ball for the purpose of doing so)
(d) A Players shall not be permitted to score when playing the ball on the ground with the hand
(e) Other than the goalkeeper, within the small rectangle, players may not dive on the ball on the ground

A free kick shall be awarded for breach of 1.2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Rule 2.7(a)
When the ball is played over the end line by the team attacking that end, play is restarted with a kick out from the ground. The kick out shall be taken from a plastic tee placed on the ground within the small rectangle. The player taking the kick out may kick the ball more than once before any other player touches it but may not take the ball into his hand(s). If the goalkeeper is not taking the kick-out, he shall stay in the small rectangle, and all other players except the player taking the kick out shall be outside the 20m line until the ball has been kicked. The ball shall travel 13m before being played by another player of the defending team

Rule 2.7 (b)
After a score, the kick out shall be taken from a plastic tee placed on the ground on the 20m line in front of the scoring space. All players, except the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick out (if other than the goalkeeper) shall be outside the 20 m line until the ball has been kicked. The ball shall travel 13m before being played by another player of the defending team.

Rule 1.5 (a)
Play shall not stop for injury to a player except in exceptional circumstances to enable a seriously injured player to be treated on the field or moved from the field of play. All other injuries shall be treated off the field of play. The player shall be removed – using a stretcher if necessary – to the nearest point on the end line or sideline. He shall only resume play provided he enters the field of game through the substitution zone after a break in play and has received permission from the sideline official.

Rule 4.1. Add to Duties of Sideline Official

To record a 10-minute period of playing time when a player is “sent to the bench” (sin binned)

To give permission for an injured player to resume play – by entering the field of play through the substitution zone – after the player has been treated on the sideline/end line for an injury.

Rule 3.1 Duties of Linesman to read as follows:

The linesmen shall, where possible, bring to the attention of the referee any instances of dangerous or rough play during the game and shall also report any unauthorised incursions on to the field of play that have not been noticed by the Referee

Rule 1.2 (vii) Duties of Referee is amended to enable the Referee to deal with playing offences as set out in Rule 5


Dangerous Play and Irresponsible Behaviour (Both terms to be defined as follows in the section of the Playing Rules dealing with Definitions) – new in italic

Dangerous Play i.e. where a player engages in foul play with intent or with reckless disregard for the safety of other players – replaces what was 5.4

Irresponsible Behaviour i.e. where a player behaves in a manner that does not reflect positively on the Association - new

5.1 To strike a player (whether team mate or opponent) or team official with the head, arm, elbow, hand or knee – combination of 5.1 and 5.5 – and new material – see italic. (Attempting to strike moved to 5.15)
5.2 To kick, stamp on, stand on, bite, gouge, head-butt, or spit at another player, (whether opponent or team mate), or a team official
5.3 – combination of 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and new material – see italic. (Attempting any of the foregoing moved to 5.15)
5.4 To provoke a brawl or free-for-all by inciting or taunting other players- new
5.5 For a substitute to enter the field of play or a player to leave the field of play without the referee’s permission in order to intimidate an opponent or join an altercation - new
5.6 To interfere with, threaten, strike or attempt to strike, throw an object (including the ball) at, or use abusive language or conduct to,
a match official - rewording of 5.5 new material in italic
5.7 To refuse to carry out the instructions/directions of the match referee - new
5.8 To commit any of the fouls listed at 5.1 to 5.7 inclusive on the field prior to the start of the game, at half time or after the game – rewording of 5.7 with new material in italic – taken from rule 138 (2) (iii)


1. Order offender off and exclude from participation in the game and report to the committee in charge

2. (a) where the subject of the foul is an opponent, free kick from where the foul occurred, except as provided under exceptions of Rule 2.2

(b) where the subject of the foul is a team mate, throw in the ball where the offence occurred, except as provided under exception (v) of Rule 2.2

Rough Play and Improper Behaviour (Both teams to be defined as follows in the section of the playing Rules dealing with definitions) - new

Rough Play i.e. where a player displays inadequate regard for the safety of other players – was 5.14

Improper Behaviour i.e. where a player displays gross indifference for the spirit in which the game should be played – new
5.9 To pull down an opponent – was 5.8
5.10 To trip an opponent with hand(s) or foot – was
5.11 To jump at an opponent – was 5.10
5.12 To threaten or to use abusive or provocative language to a player (whether opponent or team mate) or a team official – was 5.11, new text in italic
5.13 To block or attempt to block with the boot when an opponent is kicking the ball from the hand(s) – was 5.12
5.14 To prevent or attempt to prevent an opponent from lifting or kicking the ball off the ground by striking an opponent’s hand, arm, foot or leg with the boot – was 5.13
5.15 To throw, kick, strike an object – including the ball – at an opponent – new
5.16 To attempt to achieve an advantage by feigning a foul or an injury – was 5.15
5.17 To attempt to strike another player (whether team mate or opponent) or team official with the head, arm, elbow, hand or knee or attempt to kick, stamp on, stand on, bite, gouge, head-butt or spit at any of the foregoing – new clauses – see italic - and combination of offences previously set out in Rules 5.1, 5.2 and 5.5
5.18 To commit a non-cautionable offence on an opponent away from the play - new
5.19 To foul an opponent who is in possession to deny him a score (professional foul) - new
5.20 Third man into a melee – new
5.21 To body check an opponent who is moving to take a return pass or support the player in possession - new


1. Caution offender i.e. show yellow card and “send to the bench for 10 minutes” (sin bin) – new penalty. After 10 minutes playing time has elapsed, player is permitted to resume play.

(If the same player commits a further cautionable offence during the remainder of the game, he shall be sent off i.e. given a red card and reported to the committee in charge. The player concerned will incur a minimum one match ban i.e. the next game in that competition – new)

2(a) Where the subject of the foul is an opponent, free kick from where the foul occurred, except as provided under exceptions of Rule 2.2

(b) Where the subject of the foul is a team mate, throw the ball in where the foul occurred, except as provided under exception (v) of Rule 2.2

Unsporting Play/Behaviour (Term to be defined as follows in section of the Playing Rules dealing with definitions) - new

Unsporting Play/Behaviour i.e. where a player plays/behaves in a manner which is contrary to the spirit of fair play – new

5.22 (a) To push an opponent or hold an opponent with the hands – was 5.17
5.23 (a) To use the fist on or around the body of an opponent for the purposes of dispossessing him of the ball – was 5.18

5.24 (a) To charge an opponent in the back or to the front
(b) To charge an opponent unless :
(i) he is in possession of the ball, or
(ii) he is playing the ball, or
(iii) both players are moving in the direction of the ball to play it
(c) To charge an opponent for the purpose of giving an advantage to a team-mate
(d) To charge the goalkeeper in the small rectangle
(e) For a player in possession of the ball to charge an opponent –was 5.19


(i) Free kick from where foul occurred, except as – provided under exceptions of Rule 2.2

(ii) Caution offender for committing any of the above fouls a second time and “send to the bench” for 10 minutes playing time. After 10 minutes playing time has elapsed, player is permitted to resume play – new sanction in italic
(iii) If the same player commits a further foul in this category or is cautioned during the remainder of the game, he shall be sent off i.e. given a red card and reported to the Committee in charge. He will incur an automatic one match ban i.e. the next game in that competition – new section in italic

5.25 For a player to retaliate between the award of a free to his team and the free kick being taken – was 5.20

(i) Cancel free kick
(ii) Throw in the ball where the original foul occurred, except as provided
under exception (v) of Rule 2.2
(iii) Apply any other relevant penalty of Rule 5

5.26 For a player(s) from each team to foul simultaneously – was 5.21

(i) Throw in the ball where the fouls occurred, except as provided under
Exception (v) of Rule 2.2
(ii) Apply any other relevant penalty of Rule 5

5.27 When an Aggressive Foul is drawn to the referee’s attention by an umpire or linesmen, the referee may apply the appropriate penalty as per Rule 5, and shall restart play as per Rule 2 – was 5.22
5.28 When a team commits an Aggressive Foul, the referee may allow play to continue if he considers it to be to the advantage of the offended team. Once the referee allows the play to continue, he may not subsequently award a free of that foul. He shall apply the relevant penalty – was 5.23

That the following definitions to be added to the Playing Rules

MELEE An incident where three or more players are grappling or otherwise struggling with one another

SCOOP Place the hand(s) under the ball – when it is on the ground - and play it away to a team mate

BODY CHECK To run into an opponent or run across him in order to prevent him from from taking a return pass or making a run in support of the player in possession
GAMESMANSHIP To manipulate the Playing Rules to gain an unfair competitive advantage
PROFESSIONAL FOUL To foul an opponent who is in possession of the ball to prevent him from scoring

That the definition of the Lift be modified to read as follows:

LIFT To raise the ball from the ground into the hand(s

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